
  • Gede Erik Aktama Universitas Parna Raya
  • Stacey Kareth
  • Grace Lumingas

Kata Kunci:

Rancangan, PHP, MySQL, Web, Metode



Designing information of system based on website using PHP and MySQL database at Dharma Wanita PT. PLN (PERSERO) Suluttenggo Area (Supervised by Hence Kandow and Grace Lumingas). One of the indicators of a country’s progress is the utilization rute of the technology in these countries in various areas of life. Currently technology developments in Indonesia has been seen in almost aspects as well as the benefits of developments, that have been enjoyed by almost entire peoples of Indonesia.  Organization of Dharma Wanita PT. PLN (PERSERO) region of Suluttenggo is one of the organizations that require the media to introduce the profile concerned to organization structure, mission and vision of the organization, the activities of the organization as well as the data of organization.

This research was aimed to (1) Designing information system base on web, (2) To knowing the existence of the information organization of Dharma Wanita with the hopes that the creation of publication of information technology through the media so that improve the image of professionalism of Dharma Wanita  PT. PLN (PERSERO) region of Suluttenggo and increase the effectiveness and efficiency in term of time and cost of publication also peoples as the public can get to know the organization profile of Dharma Wanita PLN through the media of information technology that were avilable in official website.

This research was conducted at PT. PLN (PERSERO) Ahmad Yani street, north Sario, Sario district, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. The research using the method of action research with approach to qualitative research methods. The research was conducted with the stages of analysis data as well as the system that will be designed, the design of the system, making the system code, testing system and application of the system. Using action research with the research method of kualitatif method.

The result of this research is creation information of system based on web that have formed on the organization of Dharma Wanita  PT. PLN (PERSERO) region of Suluttenggo and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in term of time and cost of publication.




Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web menggunakan PHP dan database MySQL pada Dharma Wanita PT. PLN (PERSERO) Wilayah Suluttenggo (dibimbing oleh Hence Kandow dan Grace Lumingas). Salah satu indikator kemajuan suatu negara adalah tingkat pemanfaatan teknologi di negara tersebut di berbagai bidang kehidupan.  Saat ini perkembangan teknologi di Indonesia telah terlihat hampir di seluruh aspek serta manfaat atas perkembangan tersebut telah dinikmati oleh hampir seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Organisasi Dharma Wanita PT. PLN (PERSERO) Wilayah Suluttenggo salah satu organisasi yang membutuhkan media untuk memperkenalkan profil menyangkut struktur organisasi, visi dan misi organisasi, kegiatan organisasi serta hal-hal lain menyangkut data organisasi.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) merancang sistem informasi Dharma Wanita berbasis web, (2) mengetahui informasi keberadaan dari organisasi Dharma Wanita dengan harapan terciptanya sarana publikasi resmi melalui media teknologi informasi sehingga meningkatkan citra profesionalisme dari organisasi Dharma Wanita PT.PLN (persero) Wilayah Suluttenggo dan meningkatkan efektifitas kerja dan efesiensi dalam hal waktu dan biaya publikasi serta masyarakat dapat mengenal dan mengetahui profil organisasi Dharma Wanita PLN melalui media teknologi informasi yang tersedia berupa website resmi.

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di PT.PLN (PERSERO) Jl.Ahmad Yani, Sario Utara, Sario, Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara.  Penelitian menggunakan metode action research dengan metode pendekatan penelitian kualitatif.  Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan tahapan analisa kebutuhan data maupun sistim yang akan dirancang, desain sistim, pembuatan kode sistim, pengujian sistim dan penerapan sistim dengan menggunakan metode penelitian action research dengan pendekatan metode kuatitatif.

Hasil penelitian berupa terciptanya Sistem informasi berbasis web yang telah terbentuk pada organisasi Dharma Wanita PT. PLN (PERSERO) Wilayah Suluttenggo meningkatkan efektifitas kerja dan efesiensi dalam hal waktu dan biaya publikasi


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Konsep sistem informasi

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Pengertian Sistem Informasi


