Entrepreneurship and Digital Business Study https://jurnal.parnaraya.ac.id/index.php/ebis <p>Entrepreneurship and Digital Business Study is an open access journal published by the Entrepreneurship and Digital Business Study Program of Parna Raya University, Manado city. This scientific journal contains research articles related to education, economics, as well as the study of digital business and entrepreneurship. The scope of the article published in the Journal of Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Studies includes digital business and entrepreneurship in an educational perspective either in the context of formal education or non-formal education. The JOURNAL ENTERBIS is published twice a year, namely in June and December.</p> Universitas Parna Raya en-US Entrepreneurship and Digital Business Study Analisa Dampak Pembuangan Sampah Kuliner Terhadap Lingkungan Sekitar di Beberapa Restoran Kota Manado https://jurnal.parnaraya.ac.id/index.php/ebis/article/view/145 <p><em>The ability of nature aims to support human life; therefore, the carrying capacity of nature must be maintained so that it can provide support for human life. The state of the natural environment, which includes land, air, and water ecosystems, is one factor that influences natural capabilities.Water ecosystems are the most heavily polluted by waste and garbage.Waste and garbage that are not treated but are disposed of directly into aquatic ecosystems will pollute the natural environment.Public ignorance about the dangers and impacts of waste or garbage that is directly discharged into aquatic ecosystems has a harmful impact on the natural environment. The majority of garbage (waste) disposed of in the waters is food or culinary waste.Based on these facts, the authors conducted a study entitled "Analysis of the Impact of Disposal of Culinary Garbage (Waste) on Environmental Conditions in the City of Manado."This study aims to analyze the culinary waste generated by restaurants or culinary centers in the city of Manado so that it can be filtered and processed properly. In the process of research and analysis, the authors became aware of the huge amount of waste in the city of Manado that causes accumulation in the TPA. In carrying out the process of collecting data and waste samples, surveys and interviews were conducted with several restaurants and cafes. The samples obtained were then collected in tabular form.The results of this study are in the form of table waste data to facilitate waste data analysis. This waste data is useful for culinary actors as information and knowledge material in dealing with environmental pollution and is useful for governments related to the environment to take further steps to address the waste/garbage problem.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Impact of Culinary Waste Disposal on the Surrounding Environment in Several Manado City Restaurants</em></p> Faldo Tulung Merson Simbolon Eliezer Rongre Copyright (c) 2023 ENTREBIS: Enterpreneur & Bisnis Digital https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-05 2023-06-05 1 1 Analisa Pelayanan Pangkalan LPG Terhadap Konsumen PT. Cahaya Tujuh Bintang https://jurnal.parnaraya.ac.id/index.php/ebis/article/view/148 <p><em>Customer satisfaction is important for companies, because customer satisfaction describes the company's ability to meet consumer expectations. So is the case with PT. Cahaya Tujuh Bintang as a provider of LPG gas, measuring consumer satisfaction is very important to determine the level of customer satisfaction and to improve services in order to meet consumer expectations.</em></p> <p><em>The LPG gas base is the spearhead of the distribution of gas cylinders to the community so that the base officer will interact directly with consumers. The service provided by the base officer will have a direct impact on consumers, starting from the equipment, attitude and language.</em></p> <p><em>Measurement of customer satisfaction at the LPG gas base will provide good feedback for the company in maintaining consumer confidence in the quality of the company. Measurement of customer satisfaction is done by questionnaires to 85 respondents for service performance. Measurement of consumer satisfaction is carried out at gas bases, because they are the front liners in the front row who interact directly with consumers. The level of customer satisfaction is largely determined by the performance of officers at the base.</em></p> <p><em>Of the 85 respondents around 62% of respondents were very satisfied with the services provided by the base so they decided to return to exchange gas cylinders at the base of PT. Seven Stars Light. In addition to looking at the attitude and way of interacting with officers, consumer satisfaction is also determined from the quality of LPG gas cylinders provided to consumers, stock availability, smooth delivery from the head office to the base and the condition of the base as a factor in the level of consumer satisfaction.</em></p> Fery Soetanto Indrawaty Ishak Novaty Manikome Copyright (c) 2023 ENTREBIS: Enterpreneur & Bisnis Digital https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-05 2023-06-05 1 1 Analisa Sistem Penjualan Online dan Offline Toko Weltu Emas Meubel https://jurnal.parnaraya.ac.id/index.php/ebis/article/view/146 <p><em>The background of the research in this final project is that the presence of the Weltu Emas Furniture store is a qualitative research using a descriptive approach. Sources of data obtained are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data exposure and drawing conclusions.</em></p> <p><em>The shop implements an online marketing and sales strategy. The implementation of an online marketing strategy is carried out directly by the shop owner himself using social media media, both WA, Instagram, Youtube and Tiktok. This strategy is more effective, has a wider reach so that it can be accessed by customers in various regions. Transactions and payments for online sales are directly carried out on social media which are carried out by transferring to the shop owner according to the agreed nominal and shipping costs.</em></p> <p><em>The offline marketing strategy is carried out directly by the shop owner. What tools or media are used for offline promotion at this store, namely through flyers, banners, banners and also offline marketing strategies have the advantage that customers know the quality of goods before buying. However, in offline sales, it requires more energy and space to display the products sold by the store. The store has been able to provide good service, namely with friendly and warm service, and is able to offer goods if the goods available are not as desired.</em></p> Gabriella Sumarsono Agianlee Welang Tonny Laloan Copyright (c) 2023 ENTREBIS: Enterpreneur & Bisnis Digital https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-05 2023-06-05 1 1 Analisa Pelayanan Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Pembinaan Karier Personel POLRI pada Polres Minahasa Utara https://jurnal.parnaraya.ac.id/index.php/ebis/article/view/144 <p><em>In the modernization era as it is today, qualified and professional human resources are the primary key to the growth and development of an organization. Globalization causes people to be more dynamic, full of challenges and rapidly changing. Therefore, organizations are required to continually develop and need to manage human resources optimally so that they can become assets for the organization.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;Human Resources (HR) is vital in an organization, both in business and government organizations. The quality and capability of human resources also determine an organization's progress. Therefore, the development of human resources in an organization is critical. HR needs to be managed by paying attention to many aspects, including human resources career development. HR management cannot be separated from the services of HR staff and operators. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the quality of services these staff and operators provide.</em></p> <p><em>This research aims to determine the quality of services provided by staff and operators in improving the career development of personnel and the constraints that occurred in the service of promotion proposal of North Minahasa Police personnel. This type of research is a quantitative case study with a sample of 30 (thirty) personnel who have implemented the Promotions Proposal (UKP).</em></p> <p><em>Data were obtained from the sample using a data collection tool in the form of interviews and then analyzed. The data analyzed data were obtained by distributing questionnaires with 10 (ten) questions to 30 respondents. The results of this study are in the form of satisfaction factors, where members/Personnel of the North Minahasa Police are quite satisfied with the services provided by the staff and operators of the Human Resources Section.</em></p> Rosdiana Simbolon Pingkan Mueller Franky Manoppo Copyright (c) 2023 ENTREBIS: Enterpreneur & Bisnis Digital https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-05 2023-06-05 1 1 ANALISA DAMPAK PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL (ONLINE) TERHADAP BISNIS PENJUALAN PAKAIAN DI TOKO LD DIANA https://jurnal.parnaraya.ac.id/index.php/ebis/article/view/147 <p><em>The development of information technology is able to have a positive impact on economic and business development. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as one of the sectors that have an important role in supporting the economy, have been able to adapt to digital media. The presence of a digital platform can provide benefits for both business actors and consumers in the face of transparent and competitive business competition that is increasingly narrowing.</em></p> <p><em>The marketing of goods through social media will influence consumer’s purchase intentions, where the higher the intention to buy, the higher the possibility of a purchase. This is influenced by the transparency of the owner of the goods (the seller), who spontaneously declares the selling price of goods, colors, and brands of goods that appear clearly through digital media screens that are conveyed not only to known parties but also unknown parties. Considering the development of social media activities is very fast and very strategic for brand marketing or a company to reach customers in the future, this potential is a starting point for success in the world of online business which has a positive impact on advancing small and medium scale businesses.</em></p> <p><em>LD Diana's shop, which is located in the Kodo Street, Lawangirung, Wenang subdistrict, Manado City, sells new and used (imported) clothes, known as thrifting shop. The LD Diana shop is selling these clothes through two events, namely: manually displayed in the store and also marketed through social media using Facebook, namely by posting on Facebook social media accounts and making stories about the clothes offered, but previously the LD Diana shop had to be connected. Facebook accounts of people or customers who use Facebook. The terms of Facebook state that they must be friends with people who use Facebook and the author will analyze the impact of the use of social media (online) on the business of selling clothes at the LD Diana Store</em></p> Jan Tikoalu Jessica Karaeng Feike Lamia Copyright (c) 2023 ENTREBIS: Enterpreneur & Bisnis Digital https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-05 2023-06-05 1 1